There are hot singles in your area, and they all died exactly 20 years ago on a night just like tonight.                                         

Welcome to my Website!

Godaften... I'm a real-life ghoul and we like to call it haunting the web. I like long walks in the shower. Age: Normal amount.

I post from here* ⇩



What the h*eck is a gamer against the machine? well im a gamer. and i hate my computer.

For seriously: Rage Against The Machine is a based as hell band(fuck the american corporate, millitary and government. and while we are at it, fuck the danish colonialist and americanized system too). and the "gamers" part of the 'portmanteau' is just something to consider.

I am a taught painting and sketching artist as well as comic writer. I also have an education and interest in contemporary antropology. i consider hosting some of my art and writing here, but for now it is to replace my social media presence and for sharing with my friends in fandom spaces. When it comes to fandom, im most active irl as a cosplayer and artist at conventions and as a ttrpg player. most of my activity is semi-private but it might snake its way onto here, if i dont mind it being traced back to me.

my friends identify my tormented yet normcore white ass with james sunderland and yeah give it 20 years itll be prophetic

^ my miniscule james meme collection

i have every interest.

such meaningful media's, ill consume them all!

I was a 2012 Brony and I will not forget my roots. I stay humbled by this fact. Listen to Vylet Pony. I mean it. this is the most profound digital era music since vocaloid. take this propaganda.

Resources by me

I am not active on myanimelist/MAL but i wrote a recommendation simulator with 30 recs. Google docs view mode.

Resources from around the world wide wep

These are pages i have saved.

The color namer was used to hex this site and has been useful for me in many situations. The color behind this text is "amazing boulder". amazing. is a free online gif editor that i used to make my first animations.

I had Albert Camus' The Fall lying around as a PDF on give it a read if you somehow havent.

Download LEGO Loco: This was the first pc game i played daily.

Thinking of making a neocities? here are the issues i had when i started coding:

Something coded doesn't show up: your browser is stubborn. delete website data from the last 24 hours in your browser. for me i have to do this once a day to still see my website changes.

Long Live Neocities and the Internet Archive! Long Live!